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..and stuff I have been sent for free that I think is cool

Oooh.. sponsors.. who doesn't love a sponsor?!!


Seriously though, I want to get sponsors. But the right sponsors. Ones I believe in.

I also want to be given stuff for free. But again, stuff that is good and I stand behind


I don't get paid at all from these, but I think they are worth a shout out.


Each item here helps me continue my passions, and especially plogging.

They have chosen me and I have chosen them.

I list the reasons why here


Anything I say about them is truthful and honest. 

Why should you believe me? Look at my social media. I am old, I have wobbly bits, and this is my passion.. I ain't got time to pamper to a brand. I need it to help me achieve my goals. Especially in being a faster and better runner. If something rubs or chaffs, then it is going to hinder me.


But I also want to promote these companies. They have a story. They have an ethic.

Yes, they want to make money, but it is more than that.


If you have any questions about any of these brands then the best thing to do is message me (preferably on Instagram) and I will do my best to answer you.


I have created a more in-depth narrative about my relationship with sponsors here: How I Work with Sponsors


Here are the brands who have given me stuff

Since Jan 2020
Brooks Run Happy Team

Oooh. I am in effect a Brooks running ambassador at the moment.

They provide a lot of my running gear.

I applied to their program because I loved their #runhappy motto... It was a bold step as I had never used Brooks before!! eek!!

Phew.. I really like their shoes. (especially the Glycerin 18 at the moment!). 

I am so proud to represent them in a small way, and I love their energy and passion. It really feels like they care about me and my plogging.

They live behind their RunHappy motto

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Summer 2023

Ten:07 are a local cargo bike brand (just started up).


They are so incredibly passionate about what I do and thought it would be fun to load me one of their cargo bikes for the summer.


Wow.. I am completely 100% serious when I say it is the most fun I have ever had on a bike.. using it everytime just brought a smile to my face.

March 2023

When the shed was rebuilt we planned to get a rainbarrel. It is ridiculous what we use drinking water for in NL.

For me it is about washing the bike, car and hands (after running) with collected rain water.


I was sooooo thrilled for Elho to gift me one. I love this rain barrel.


we don't need to suddenly all be eco warriors, but instead try and constantly make small changes to reduce or footprint.. this is a perfect example


Sustainably made from recycled plastics, this rain barrel is also recyclable should i get rid of it.. (but I know this is a permanent fixture)

Since Sept 2020
RunX (Haarlem)

Every runner has a favourite running shop. Mine is RunX in Haarlem.

I am super thrilled to do some collaborations with them, with the first major one being a review of the Brooks Ghost 13 Run Visible. They provided me with the shoe to review (I had never run in a Ghost before!) and the review is going up on site soon.

Why do I love the store? It has been my go to store for years, but it is the staff that make it special. 

How much do I love them? It says a lot when each time I have been into town during COVID-19 (only a handful of times), each time I have popped in to say "Hi!"

It feels great supporting a local store during these crazy times.

Since April 2021

So thrilled to be a ROADiD ambassador


This i chased just to support this company.


I have worn a ROADiD ID tag on my wrist for a decade and never take it off.


I think every runner and plogger should have one. Having emergency details to hand is something that could save your life.. but hopefully you never need to use it


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Apr 2022
Astonic eBikes

This really is a special one.. I contacted Astonic and asked to borrow a bike for an Earth day event I needed to get to..

They called and loaned me one of their bike for 4 months until I got my gravel bike.

So awesome.

And wow.. their eBike was such a huge hit; i needed to create a rota system for the family hahaha


Any questions? Just ask me (via contact form) - but I totally recommend it

Jan 2022 - One off gift

This is a work related item that i also use for sketches.


I realised the other day how much i use paper for just scribbles.


So, I reached out to CorrectBook and they kindly gifted me a pack.


It is a wipeable book (i have A5) 


The cool thing is how much they donate to schools in need.. check out their website

Since Jun 2022
Jobe Watersports

OMG OMG OMG.. I have a SUP!


One of the best reactions I have ever had from a company that I reached out to..

I told them I wanted to take my plogging to the water


They said.. Yes!


That is totally downplaying the excitement we both had about it. I think they got more excited than even I did! (nah.. impossible!)


They gifted me the Yarra 10.6 and a heaps of accessories.. Wow.. LOVE IT!


Paddleboarding brings such a pure moment of calm

Dec 2020

How excited can you get by a bin?!!

err.. hello!.. you do know I am a plogger, right?

And given the spontaneous squealing and whooping I was making while setting it up, I think I am very excited!

I am gonna play around with it for a week and then let you know my thoughts... 

The bin is made from recycled PET bottles and is designed to be used in a variety of locations.. table edge, wall, boat, car, outside a tent, garden, office, bathroom........


The thing that I noticed straight away is the precision and elegance of the design. I feels like everything has a purpose and intent. It is literally.. stunning!

August 2020 - One off gift
Dumil Bio Bags

Ooh.. is this the ultimate collaboration for a plogger? Bags for collecting the trash in?

Dumil have kindly sent me a stack of my favourite plogging bags at the moment; their 5 litre biobag with drawstring.

Biodegradable bags are obviously good, the 5 litre size means you can stash in your pocket/shirt/belt easily (and you don't end up running with a huge bin bag), and the drawstring makes it more stiff at the top (ideal for windy runs) and gives you lots of carrying options.


A tip I give newbies, is to start by only plogging a bit at first. Filling up just one bag is a great way to make an impact on the planet and not on your running!

Jan 2024
Revolution Race

It isn't often that I get approached by companies.. but RVRC did just that!


Super excited. 

Read this post to know why


I am truly stunned by the quality of their gear.. it is amazing.

I know that I will be using it for YEARS


Hopefully this turns into a bit of an extended collab because they are a brand I am thrilled to champion!!!



Since Feb 2023

Hydration and nutrition are so important. in chasing my dreams. Ii could be to get that 3:15 marathon time or do an epic multi-hour plog.


I first used TORQ years ago.. they are a fueling system I know and can trust.. and their new chew is the perfect companion to their gels for me (delicious?,, as the borg say.. "resistance is futile!" hahah).


As a brand they are ethical (soil association organic and fairtrade) and most products are vegan. 


Soooooooo thrilled to say I am #TORQFuelled

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Dec 2022

This is me reaching out to a brand to try and be gifted something to help me achieve that 3:15 marathon goal I have.

I want to make 2023 the year I achieve it and will look at all marginal gains.


Flowlife were really excited to support me in that goal and keep me injury free on the plogging mission.


They gifted me the Pocket Flowgun.


I have only just got the massage gun.. so wait a bit for my thoughts.. but after 12hrs I can tell an immediate difference.. watch out for a review once I am confident

June 2023
Saint Basics

Underwear.. I can honestly say two things..

1. I have been a fan and long term user of underwear for 56 years

2. These are the most comfortable underwear I have ever had


I reach out to Saint Basics and am so glad they got excited. This brand is fantastic.. it isn't just about sustainability, it is also aboutevery element in the supply chain. from materials to workers mental health and well being.


Great and inspiring company

They gifted me some wonderful boxers

Since June 2020

IRON ROOTS is a Dutch company that make athletic apparel from Tencel (basically.. wood! haha).

That is so cool as it means that the garments are completely plastic free.

They sent me a tshirt to use and I really enjoy using it for my easy run days. It is perfect for a more casual look.. like a jog to the beach and then hang out in. So cool!

And the thing never smells so far! Freaky!

I now have a couple of extra garments (including a hoodie). And love them all.

Sept 2021 - mid 2022
VOOM Nutrition (NL)

You can't do long distance running (and plogging) well, without good nutrition.


VOOM Nutrition (NL) were so awesome in providing nutrition for my long runs and marathons.


The blocks for me were perfect.. they were smaller to carry (1 bar = 2 gels) and they just work much better for me.


I was so thrilled to have them support my efforts. And they really did hugely!


My nutrition brand has changed now, but really only because of supply chain issues. I still love and support VOOM

Jul 2022

Thank you Daan (plogsack!) and Steef for setting up the GoFundMe page after our shed caught fire and I lost all my bikes, gear and tools


Thank you to all the wonderful people who gave some funds




Thank you Bike Superior who maximised my funds into an awesome bike that I otherwise would not have been able to get


I now am a proud owner of a Rondo RUUT CF2

Since Winter 2019

PlogSack is a young Dutch brand (ships worldwide :-) ) that make a rucksack, chestbag system especially for plogging.

They gave me one to test out and I really enjoy using it.

I keep on promising them a full review, but never seem to have time hahaha

Although the only connection with them is that they gave me a bag, I hope to be doing more events with them soon.. so,.. stay tuned!

Great company with a passion for beach cleaning, trash collecting and plogging

Sept 2020 (and Dec 2023)
The Lekker Company

When you run/plog a lot, you get sweaty and smelly.

Yep I said that! haha

The Lekker Company make natural vegan deodorant in a super concentrated form and plastic free packaging.

Our family have been sent the 4 scents to try out.

Over the coming weeks we will be trying them out (the small pot lasts for 2-3 months apparently which potentially makes it the best travel/gym/work companion ever!) . Watch this space. But I am excited!

UPDATE: I did a bit of a review about it here:


UPDATE: I turned into a bit of an ambassador with them Dec 2023 - super excited

1996.. May :-)
Katherina Ceramics

Again, a sneaky one..

This is my wife's Ceramics instagram page.. she is just trying to sell some amazing pottery. 

She puts her heart and soul in each piece. Such a wonder to see.

I suppose she is my biggest sponsor of all! heehee

The pieces I really love are the vases that are carved. They take ages to make, but so unique.

She has just set up a new shop that brings in her ceramics, as well as some other artisan products that are pretty cool.


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April/Dec 2023

UPDATE: they put me on the global homepage at the top for a week!!


the link now takes you to their finalised story (I had a follow up interview)


OMG.. Partnership with IKEA! 

IKEA have a series called Daily Rituals and they wanted to tell my daily plogging as a story.


For the piece I was gifted a couple of vouchers and they IKEA-ified (heehee) our shed (which was perfect, as we had nothing in it yet from having the shed built!

Since Oct 2022

If there is one item I really really really wanted to get via a gift or sponsorship, then it was my sunglasses. They are in nearly all my posts (I am a strong believer in glasses for safety - while bending down in the bushes to get trash I often get poked by a twig)

But I wanted one that focused on performance, durability and sustainability.. and 30south ticks all the boxes. (made from ocean plastic!)


Really thrilled to work with this small SA brand

Since Sept 2021
Decathlon NL

There is something about Decathlon that just gets me excited! I could spend hours in that store! The sports lover in me just comes out.


For the 100km plog I reached out to Decathlon to see if they could gift me a trolley to make my life easier. 

They were so enthusiastic!


And in 2022 I reached out again to them for bike bags to help me during World Cleanup Day.


The bike bags are AMAZING!

Such great quality.


And.. they are really active in the cleanup event space.. big hugs!

Since June 2021
House of Marley (BLX)

I admit it.. I chased after this one!

I am a proud user of House of Marley


For years, I had been using headphones from a brand that have no sustainability statement. I think in a modern society that is no longer acceptable.


Go to (NL: check out their site. Sustainability and environmental considerations are as important as the product itself. Love love LOVE this.


Tree planting, recycled materials, bamboo!.. I am wearing the earphones with a smile.


Since July 2020
ZP Compression


I am a huge fan of compression gear and have been wearing it for over 12 years. It is a key reason I can run so much as a heavier runner.

To call out one single reason why I feel it works, I will simply say it holds my wobbly bits in! Haha

Anything that helps dampen the vibration of each step's impact through your body (thousands on each run) is going to help in my opinion. 

I am thrilled to have been supplied with some awesome compression gear from the Finnish brand Zeropoint Compression.

And the cool part is.. 85% of their material is from recycled plastics! (Econyl).

By 2021 they want that to be 100%. woohoo

It gets better.. use the coupon code ZPPLOG (hahaha brilliant code!) to get 30% off (yes.. THIRTY PERCENT OFF!)

Since June 2021
Nu Bear - Nu Grip

I originally bought this myself on kickstarter (my first kickstarter purchase I think).. very excited.


I love this grip and is my go-to grip for the GoPro. It is a great length, tripod and floats!


But I am rough with things like this - plogging is a 'tough on equipment' sport hahah. At no fault of this tripod, it broke (but lasted longer than most - it is really well made)


I told Nu Bear this and that connected with me and helped me out a bit. So although not gifted fully they have been really supportive. And especially supportive of my plogging!


And they use ZERO plastic packaging


So it feels perfect to include on this list of brands. 

Since 2020

Dopper is an amazing company. They sell reusable water bottles, and yes, they wanna make a profit.. but their mission is more than that. They want people to use reusable water bottles.. regardless of brand. 

I am grateful to them for two things.

Firstly, and most importantly, they gave me a chance to be in their Dopper Wave film. See my Media page. So wonderful!

And I think I am actually one of their wavemakers now!

And secondly.. I now have a very cool insulated bottle with my name on it!!! woohoo. Love it


Early 2019 I think haha

When I first became serious about taking my plogging outside of my own bubble and try and inspire others, it became clear that I needed a tshirt when a message on it.

RunAndCasual helped me out with my printing needs.

They are stars and ALL the printed text and graphics look amazing still after loads of washes!

The company was one of the first to see and believe in what I am trying to do.


Oct 2020 - One off gift
Tru Earth 


Ok.. ok.. there are loads of reasons why this is eco friendly, but the most amazing thing is seeing how it compares in terms of size and packaging to other eco-friendly washing detergents!

Seriously, the packaging and strips weigh as much as an empty bottle of normal eco washing liquid.. and it can be posted through the letterbox!

If this stuff works then it is a game-changer!

I am currently testing and will post a review soon.


They sent me the three different varieties to try out.

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