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A professional plogger is a sponsored plogger
or here!

"It is so much more than just a logo on a banana suit!"

At its heart, I need companies and brands to help support me (for any amount) in my daily plogging. 

To enable me to post positive stories to inspire people into action, and show that you can have fun doing it.


But you don't just get a logo on a shirt (or banana suit).. 

The easiest thing is to contact me and we can have a chat for as long or short as you want. I love to share my story, even if it is only that you are curious.

We kunnen tijdens het gesprek in het Nederlands doen - ik schrijf in Engels alleen omdat ik maak zo veel letterfout​​​​

Single Donation Only?

If you prefer, you can also just make a donation to support me - lots of ways to do that!!

Either contact me and I we can sort out an invoice for a non sponsorship donation, or you can simply by me coffees (each coffee is the equivalent of 5EUR - so 10 coffees = 50EUR) using the button below​​​​

At its heart, you sponsor me just like you would sponsor a sportsperson for a year.

And, even though I have only just become 'professional' - I have been doing this for 13 years!


​An intro

Throughout this site I explain what I do and why I do it. 

Rather than detail it again, here are some links if you want to explore about me and my mission


​"Having fun today in caring for our tomorrows"​​

So.. what are the benefits?


Benefit to me (and us)

By sponsoring me for a year, you are helping me post each day;
To reach more people.
To post more postive stories... DAILY!


Plogging is not a negative story.
It isn't against governments.
It isn't against brands.

It is a positive story.
It is intended to inspire.
It is intended to help make us realise

that we can change the world through

our own positive actions.
And we can have fun doing it.


Sponsor Benefits

I am only going to tease these benefits here - I want you to contact me and for me to talk about them with you. I want you to see and hear the passion in my voice.



The most exciting for you as a sponsor is that you will be supporting me in something truly EPIC next May

Imagine the attention that this adventure will generate: 12 STEDEN PLOG (12 CITIES PLOG)


May 2025 - 12 STEDEN PLOG

31 Marathons in a row 

1300km run around the Netherlands

In a banana suit.. picking up trash!

I will run to each capital city of each province. Yep.. I will start in Haarlem on 1st May, run down to Maastricht, up to Groningen and back to Haarlem by 31st May 


This has the chance of capturing the imagination of the nation. Inspiring the nation!

Think about it.. I hit EVERY local new region in one adventure!​

12 Steden Plog Map.png


You are enabling me to do this 365 days a year so of course you get a logo on my gear!

That logo is shown in my daily posts

But perhaps more importantly - it is seen on the streets.

I am out there, rain or shine interacting with people, trying to inspire and always trying to tell a positive story - and don't underestimate the impact of that.


Naturally, you get specific posts as well on my socials



I want to give back to the community.

To visit schools

To help other initiatives 

To help charities

And when they ask "Err, how much will it cost?" I can answer "Nothing! Because I am supported by all these brands you see on my chest. They are allowing me to do this for you"


I love this idea. We both benefit from this and also the local community. Already I am in contact with some initiatives. And perhaps there are ones you would like me to contact?


Which moves us onto a real benefit for you



Based on the size of your sponsorship, you get an assignment of days where you can use me however you like. Let's say you have two days of my time. What could you do with it?


Here are some ideas

  • Internal clean-ups

  • Client engagement

  • Motivational speaking

  • Marketing

  • Involvement in your company health/environment week

  • Clean your toilets

  • ​

YOU CHOOSE! You can use me however you want to. To get what you want out of it!!

We can work out how you use this, to benefit you the most!


I am so excited about this concept.

​Excited? Then let's chat!!​​

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